
Artisans, laborers, professionals.  We are all aspiring to something.  A sampling of images of the heart of America, her people.Learn More


Marketplace of Ideas

Ideas about a better world.  New concepts that changed the world and how they guide us today.Learn More

The Project

This idea called America is about what binds us together.  Through images and essays, art exhibits and publications, my intent here is to show that which binds us.Learn More

Melting Pot or Boiling Pot?

We are all different. We are all the same.

Join us as we explore America and her people to find that answer.  Who are we and what values do we aspire to? From the barista to the baker, the cowboy to the mechanic, who are we?  Let us watch, listen, perhaps learn something about ourselves.  Saddle up pardner.  We gon’ take a little ride.


Help us explore America …

Tell us of interesting people.  Donate to our kickstart to make this project happen.  America is your story. My story. Our Story. Call to Action